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Strong Girl Publishing makes athletically-oriented books + content for middle grade and young adult girls, written by young women athletes.

Our mission is two-fold:

  1. Help girls see themselves in sport and outdoor adventure, inspiring them to try new activities by creating engaging stories around girls in sport

  2. Make a space for young women athletes who are looking for a platform to share their voices.


Girls drop out of sport for many reasons. This leads to lowered self-esteem along with health problems that can stem from inactivity.

Last year, 57% of American youth ages 3-17 rode a bicycle. From ages 3-9, boys and girls ride at same rate, but at 10, there’s a significant drop off for girls. By the age of 14, girls drop out of sports at 2x the boys’ rate.

7 in 10 girls who quit sports during puberty said they didn’t feel like they belonged in sports, according to the survey of more than 1,000 girls ages 16 to 24.

Studies have shown that girls will embrace more traditionally “boy” activities when presented with images that show other girls engaging in them.

That’s where Strong Girl Press comes in: Girls deserve to see themselves in books about sport. They need to see themselves in sport.

In publishing, there is a space in the market for smart books about girls in different facets of sport—both in terms of books where sport is the primary topic, and books where sport is simply a natural part of the narrative.

Traditional publishers still don’t see this space as one that is viable commercially.

We strongly disagree. And we’re going to prove it.


Our mission is to create a space for young women athletes who are looking for a platform to share their voices. Young women who have great ideas for books, planners, and other creative endeavors but need help bringing these ideas into existence.

We believe that young women athletes are perfectly positioned to share authentic, real experiences—often through fiction!—in a way that an author who hasn’t been there simply cannot.

These young women are often working side jobs to keep their athletic dreams alive, or they’re fully focused on their athletic careers, and publishing their work will provide them with another revenue stream to essentially sponsor themselves. Because many of these young women have strong social platforms, they will also become the primary source of marketing for Strong Girl Press.

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Content for strong girls, by strong girls.